Free redundancy coaching

I’m carving out an hour a day until the end of September to coach for free anyone who’s recently lost their job in advertising and is looking to re-build their confidence.

For many, redundancy will encourage unhelpful self talk. A busy, noisy mind is exhausting.

It may be the Inner Critic, a repetitive cycle of harsh self-judgement. Or it might be the much-spoken about Imposter Syndrome, at heart a flawed sense of our identity that makes us feel worthless or fraudulent.

Redundancy feels deeply personal (I’ve been through it several times). It’s a fertile breeding ground in which the Imposter and Critic can thrive. But it doesn't have to be this way. You can pause the negative noise in your head.

If you’re feeling stuck and anxious about future possibilities work-wise, let’s talk. In confidence. I’ll listen. I’ll challenge you. I won’t offer advice (you probably have enough people around you ready to offer advice). But I’ll be in your corner as you work to put yourself in the right frame of mind to find that next opportunity. Because there will be one.

Just message me if you’d like to fix a time to chat.